Wood sorrel is made up of the soft heart shaped leaflets and the match stick like stalks. The former look like green confetti and feel like a kiss on the lips, before slowly yielding a little sourness in the mouth. ​The stalks are a picturesque embellishment to the egg mayonnaise. The delicate crunch contrasts nicely with both the softness of the egg and the silkiness of the mayonnaise and yields an immediate lemony zing. I think it shows that even a very simple thing like a wood sorrel leaf has subtleties to discover by considering its constituent parts.

Peanut butter on toast with wood sorrel


- Toast

- Butter

- Peanut butter

- Wood sorrel 'hearts', picked from stalks of 5g wood sorrel.


Egg mayonnaise on toast with wood sorrel stalks


- Toast

- Butter

- Egg mayonnaise

- Wood sorrel stalks from 5g wood sorrel.